Movies, video clips, and youtube videos show that the most cool thing about motorcycling is the wheelie. It has always been, of course, stoppie, burnout can be spectacular, but the wheelie is the sacred grail of motor riding. In the eyes of many, wheelie is the measure of riding skills.


Ladies, gentlemen, cautious or shy beginners, responsible fathers, mothers can live their whole lives in such a way that despite having a classy machine (KTM, Beta, Sherco, Husqy, etc.) they do not dare to start wheelie practice because they are afraid of failure because they are afraid that their beloved machine will be smashed and, of course, their own physical integrity will be endangered.


There are the loose guys who start practicing and really improve their wheelie skills over many years, but that includes several costly falls and ideally they can get away - during this learning period - with perhaps a few bone fractures. Of course, someone who has hit himself badly once may stop trying again and book himself as unsuitable and unable to learn to wheelie. Though he’s just careful, maybe timid or risk averse.


Those who know somewhat, some of them can only power-wheelie (in gears 2-3 with gas or slipping clutch as long as the rpm allows) but can't shift gears; someone may be able to wheelie sitting but also want to learn standingwheelie; maybe someone cherishes stuntrider dreams and wants to practice beyond balancepoint, slow wheelie, etc. So there are also minorities with some knowledge (30-40%) who want to develop further.


We can help with this, that is, learn to wheelie. Not only do we reduce the risk of falls and injuries, but we also give all motorcyclists self-esteem and confidence as they can safely practice and develop step by step with our WHEELIEMATE tool.


Why is it difficult and why does it take a long time to learn wheelie without WHEELIEMATE?:

· it feels bad at first to lean back with the whole bike

· it feels bad at first to slide back in the seat

· the bike can lean left or right while wheeleing

· everything happens suddenly and quickly

· you can't control because you're not used to it, but because you're not used to it you can't control - trap 22

· because you are afraid of falling backwards and you do not add enough gas to it

· because you put too much gas on it and fell backwards, then you already have a fear in you


But why is it good if you can wheelie?:

· because it feels like you're in control of your machine

· because your buddy can and you don't want to be left behind

· because it teaches you to use the clutch, throttle, rear brake sophistically, so you can control your vehicle much better and more precisely in all other situations (hill-climb, log-hop, pivot turn)

· because your self-esteem will be restored so that you can finally learn it

· because you will be more confident


All you need is a WHEELIEMATE!